Friday, December 19, 2014

How does America view her Mother?

It is important to remember where Americans came from. Like all babies, we were born from a mother country, in this case, Britain.

We'll always remember that fight we had with mom. She was restricting our curfew and we were tired of her endless rules. So like any rebellious teenager, the American colonies broke out in a fight. For now, it's only important to know that we won and got freedom from Britain. But how is our relationship with mom nowadays? This article surveys numerous European countries to get an idea of how Americans are viewed. This information is very important because it gives me an idea on what in American history is viewed as a contribution and what is not. By the article, it is clear that Entertainment is easily one of the gifts America has given to society and food is not respected. I will look at these two things in a later blog. Other important information includes how in general, European countries have been more pleased with America since Obama has come to office than in previous years.

I like to repeatedly revisit the idea of understanding foreign views on America because, ultimately, the world as a whole is the greatest judge for which countries deserve the most credit. Our patriotism means little if we do not have backers. I will make use of the article to help get a broad view on our flaws and perks. And of course, it is nice that we are on fair terms with mom.

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