Friday, February 27, 2015

Versus the Modern World

There are many nations populating the modern world, so America has many competitors. We could go ahead and compare many statistics from everything to GDP to education. America wins some and loses some. That's just how it works. One particular interesting statistic is our staggering military budget which is shown below in comparison.

Do we truly feel like it is us against the world? With crippling numbers of aircraft carriers and technology that would embarrass many other countries most advanced materials, America has taken a strong emphasis on saying "don't mess with us". But is this really our best course of action? Is it right to live in a world where my guns are bigger than your guns? But perhaps, we have the total right to stockpile defenses as long as we are not instigating. It is a very controversial topic that I plan on covering in great detail in my presentation.  

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Modern America

Today America looks a lot like it always has. While many things have drastically changed, our ideals and belief in a free nation will always stay. The American dream, is no longer about owning property. This article highlights the change in the American dream, which looks much different today. Have we improved or lessened in our success?
It is clear that we are one of the top nations in existance. And if you view our history, it wasn't always like that. So over the course of our existance, we have been steadily improving. Is our modern day society still on the rise? Well currently, despite a few issues economically, we are stronger than ever and we will most certainly make it out of this on top. I believe we are continuing to grow and lead by example to the rest of the world. However, how does our modern society compare to the rest of the world?

Saturday, February 14, 2015

The greatest upset in history...

March Madness 2015, who is the underdog? The ragtag Colonial Army, team name? The Patriots. They managed to make it past the first few rounds against the Natives, now they are in the finals against the #1 seed, The Redcoats. Everyone has placed their bets, nobody is favoring the Patriots...

But it doesn't matter. We have home court advantage. We have a reason to win, rather than just overpaid basketball players...

1st half, the Redcoats take a large lead. They are flaunting their superior ability and trying to crush Patriot spirits early on. But they have no motivation. No reason to keep giving their all to win. They become careless at the start of the second half. The Patriots get some sponsors from the Baguettes and with a little extra help they start a comeback. They begin dominating the ground game. And the game was within 2 points with 10 seconds left. The Patriots gave the ball to the point guard, Yorktown, who sprinted down the court and threw up a duck, and as the bell expired, victory achieved and the Patriots pulled off the greatest upset in history.

But seriously, to put the American Revolution in perspective, its like the PT Tennis Team beating the Miami Heat at a basketball game. It was an unbelievable win which is what started the legacy of the greatest country on Earth.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

And our flag was still there!

All in all, we are still a young nation. We have only been around for a few hundred years which is nothing in comparison to some European nations. The question is, how will America stand the test of time? Countries can be destroyed in only a few short years, due to war or internal collapse. Is it too early to state that we are a great nation when we haven't even had enough time to prove ourselves?

My opinion is no. In fact, the truth that we are so young, yet have still achieved so much is even more impressive. We have risen faster than nearly every other nation, so from the looks of it, we are here to stay.

We have been incredibly close to collapse in many instances. The Civil War, where we were literally torn apart, the Great Depression, where the economy collapsed, and even the Cold War where we almost got involved in a global scale nuclear war. America endured every time. We aren't your ordinary, run-of-the-mill country... By viewing history, it is clear that we will undoubtedly face conflict in the future but will always have the strength to overcome it.

Unfortunately, organizations like The Planned Collapse of America aren't going to be needed. Give this website a look and don't make too much fun of it!