Friday, February 27, 2015

Versus the Modern World

There are many nations populating the modern world, so America has many competitors. We could go ahead and compare many statistics from everything to GDP to education. America wins some and loses some. That's just how it works. One particular interesting statistic is our staggering military budget which is shown below in comparison.

Do we truly feel like it is us against the world? With crippling numbers of aircraft carriers and technology that would embarrass many other countries most advanced materials, America has taken a strong emphasis on saying "don't mess with us". But is this really our best course of action? Is it right to live in a world where my guns are bigger than your guns? But perhaps, we have the total right to stockpile defenses as long as we are not instigating. It is a very controversial topic that I plan on covering in great detail in my presentation.  

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