Friday, March 20, 2015


Crunch time, boys. Senior Project is due in a few weeks. It is about we start finalizing the plan for presentation. I will layout what I want to achieve:

I am going to give a brief overview of American history and accomplishments. Following that, I will present some comparisons of other countries to America. My overall point of this presentation is to shed light on America and its achievements and pose the question "Is America superior?" I will likely leave the answer to that question up in the air. And either use it as my hook or my lasting question.

I need to gather various opinions on the countries I will be analyzing first. I still need to gather some survey data. I want to also get the audiences opinion on the subject, making the presentation more interactive. This should ensure there is immersion and everyone is paying full attention.

I will begin working on my powerpoint and leave updates on my blog as I go along.

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